Windows bring natural sunlight into our homes and offer beautiful views, but over time, they can develop scratches that ruin their clarity and appearance. The good news is, you can easily fix these scratches using everyday household items. Our guide will show you simple DIY methods to save on repair costs
There are several methods to remove scratches from the glass windows. If the scratches are minor, it can be easily done at home by using common household items such as toothpaste, baking soda, clear nail polish remover, etc. On the other hand, if the scratches are deep, it can be done by using industrial items like a glass compound polish scratch filler kit, etc.
What causes scratches on glass?
Many factors can cause glass scratches when something rough or sharp rubs against the glass surface. This could be from dust or sand particles or from grinding materials. Improper cleaning methods can also lead to scratches. Avoiding scratches involves being careful with what comes into contact with the glass surface and using gentle cleaning techniques. There are simple methods to remove scratches from glass.
Before applying these methods use Safety Precautions

Methods of cleaning glass window scratches
In order to wipe the scratches from the glass window you will need to follow the following methods which will help to restore scratches on the glass window. Below enlisted are the useful and efficient procedure to cure the glass window.
- Glass polish
- Toothpaste
- Baking soda
- Clear nail polish
Method 1: Glass Polishing
Method 2: Toothpaste
Method 3: Baking soda
Method 4: Clear Nail Polish
Another effective solution for preventing scratches from glass windows is that they should be treated with a clear nail polish solution, as it contains some effective chemicals that can help restore the glass window to its original form. Apply some clear nail polish on a cotton ball and rub it on the surface where scratches are present. Move the nail polish back and forth until the scratches are removed completely.
Our Recommendation

Can you remove scratches from glass windows yourself?
Yes, it can be easily done by using household items at home.
How do I know if a scratch on my window is too deep to fix myself?
It can be easily determined with the help of a feeler gauge or your fingernail.
What's the best product for removing scratches from window glass?
The best and most common product for removing scratches is glass polish.
Will removing scratches from my window weaken the glass?
No, the scratches removed from the window do not affect its strength.
How can I prevent scratches on my windows in the future?
You can avoid scratches on the surface of the window by cleaning it on a daily basis.
In the end, using household items such as toothpaste, baking soda, or clear nail polish helps to restore scratches of small size, but if the scratches have a large surface area, they can be treated with the help of professional methods like a glass repair kit, etc